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What do you want? | Web Directions

What do you want?

  • In: Uncategorized
  • By: john
  • February 27th, 2007

Sorry if we appear to be trolling for comments of late - you know it’s not our style.

We all know user generated content is all the rage. So here is your chance to help generate a conference - Web Directions South. We’ve done a lot of work thinking about the kind of content, the subjects, and the speakers we’re interested in for 2007 - but we aren’t omniscient - so, we’d love to hear from you about the kinds of things you’d like to see at Web Directions South

What subject areas are interesting you right now?

What speakers would you love to see?

What kind of areas would you be interested in attending in depth, whole day workshops focussed on?

We’d also love to know how you’d describe what you do IA, designer, developer, or any others? Or of course a combination of one or more - after all we all wear plenty of hats.

Love to hear any or all of this, as we start finalizing our plans for Web Directions South.

What we can tell you is:

It will be on - so keep that last week of September free.

We’ll be letting you know a lot more soon.

Thanks so much in advance,

maxine and john

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