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Thank you | Web Directions

Thank you

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • May 22nd, 2008

Thanks to all who helped make both Web Directions UX and Web Directions Government fantastic successes. The turnouts were wonderful, presentations world class, and the vibe at both conferences enthusiastic and excited.

Based on the success of both these events, Iโ€™m sure weโ€™ll be seeing them return.

Youโ€™ll find slideshows from a number of the presenters online already at Slideshare, while pocasts and slideshows of most if not all presentations from both conferences should be online at the conference site very soon.

In the meantime, a huge thanks to

  • Robert Hoekmann Jr. Andy Budd and Jose Alonso for coming from all over the world to speak
  • All the wonderful local speakers who came from all over the country to share their experience and ideas
  • Our wonderful volunteers - Lachlan Hardy, Lisa Miller and Cheryl Gledhill
  • Our supporters and exhibitors
  • But most of all, those hundreds of folks who turned up in Melbourne and in Canberra. Whether it was your first Web Directions event, or like many, a return visit, we really canโ€™t thank you enough for all your support.

Stay tuned for announcements of Web Directions South very soon, and keep an eye out too for the podcasts,

john and maxine


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