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SEO 101 | The Beginning SEO Podcast

The Hosts

Brian Mark is the e-commerce and retail guy on SEO 101, and he’s the King of the Tools as the CTO and in-house SEO/SEM at ToolBarn is an online retailer on both the Internet Retailer Top 500 and the Inc. 500 lists, since 1999. ToolBarn’s success, driven primarily by organic search rankings, has earned Brian a reputation as one of the top SEOs in the industry.

In addition to his work at ToolBarn, Brian is also an administrator and moderator on several online forums, is a regular speaker at industry conferences, and is active in the Nebraska People Making Money Online (NPMMO) group.

Carolyn Shelby is the pure content and advertising supported site guy chick girl person, and is the in-house SEO for, an ad supported content site that covers all things related to back pain. She has been professionally building websites and helping businesses and not-for-profit organizations integrate their offline and online marketing since early 1995.

Carolyn runs a number of websites and blogs, including Lafayette Online, a city guide for Lafayette and West Lafayette, Indiana. She is also a Conference Reporter for Search Engine Roundtable and writes for her personal blog,

David Brown brings “The SEO Consultant” perspective to the show. Dave “NeO” Brown got into the web and Internet marketing in 1999. In 2004, after establishing a reputation as an authority on search engine optimization, he founded Top SEO Consultants.

The firm, based out of Washington, works exclusively with large clients to maximize the ROI of their online marketing efforts and web presence. In addition to performing his duties as the CEO of Top SEO Consultants, David is also a moderator at Web Pro World and TWT.

The Show

After finding a few different SEO podcasts online, we found that the only reputable ones were on While WMR makes some great programs, they don’t really cater to the beginner. The other podcasts which were trying to deal with that market ended up giving out a lot of wrong information.

Our goal here is to give out helpful information for the beginners without overwhelming them with technical details - most of the time. We’ll cover some of that, too.

Broadcasting SEO 101 Live from SES San Jose 2007

From left: Brian Mark, Mike McDonald of WebProNews, Carolyn “cshel” Shelby, and David “NeO” Brown


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