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Geeks on the Grass | Web Directions

Geeks on the Grass

  • In: Uncategorized
  • By: john
  • September 11th, 2007

All you Sydney web folks, keen to catch up with peers in a relaxed setting? Well, Friday the 21st of September sees the first Geeks on the Grass.

One of the reasons we started doing the conferences in the first place is that having started to meet fellow designers and developers, in person as opposed to online (as we had done for about 10 years) we realized that this added a whole new dimension to the relationship. So if you are Sydney based, keep an eye on The Geek Whisperer for details, and head over and meet some fine folks who have a lot in common with you.

Oh, and don’t let the term β€œgeek” put you off. Being a geek is very cool these days.


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