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Cubescape - Cameron Adam’s latest masterpiece

Cubescape - Cameron Adam’s latest masterpiece

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • May 12th, 2008

Cameron Adams, known worldwide as “the man in blue“, has done it again. His latest masterpiece is cubescape, a javascript tour de force, showing just how rich and interactive javascript based applications can be.

It’s also fun to play with. So go and marvel at what you can do in your browser today with standards based technologies.

And, if you want to learn first hand from a maestro like Cam, then this Thursday in Melbourne, and the following Tuesday Cameron is holding an all day “Frontiers of Javascript” workshop as part of our Web Directions UX and government conferences. You’d have to go a long way to find a better teacher, and a better workshop, in our humble opinions.


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