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Qassia for backlinks and revenue from content

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What is qassia?

Qassia is an 'intelligence engine'. It is like a cross between wikipedia, squidoo, ezinearticles and hupages. The main difference is the revenue model. (Be sure to plug in your adsense ID).

Did you say revenue?

You can add in your website links and start posting content for income from the adsense revenue model. You do not need full articles - any sort of unique 'intel' gives you more exposure to traffic. Intel can have images and also can be on any topic.


Earning credits can also come from reviewing other intel. This gets you more exposure for your sites. By adding intel you take adsense income. Intel can be like a blog post - it does not have to be an article.This is a viral web 2.0 site because users get credit for adding other users.

Excellent rankings for your content are likely due to the clever incorporation (and quality control) of accurate tags. Intel can also be tagged with search keywords,  as can your profile page which allows live links.


Users control the quality of the intel. It has to make it past a screening by other users before it can be published.

Check out Qassia

Tags: adsense, article marketing, free backlinks, make money with articles, new search engines, qassia 2.0, Web 2.0, what is wassia

Filed under How To, Ideas, Resource, SEO, Traffic, Web 2.0 by James


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