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Indi Young - Innovation With Mental Models

Indi Young - Innovation With Mental Models

  • In: Resources
  • By: jessie
  • February 12th, 2008

A presentation given at Web Directions North, Vancouver Canada, January 31 2008.

  • MP3 of presentation
  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • About Indi Young

Presentation slides

Session description

In his recent book, The Myths of Innovation, Scott Berkun argues that

innovation does not happen in a flash of inspiration. Instead, it takes

years of research to deeply understand a problem space. A designer who

methodically examines, adopts, or discards various hypothesis about the

topic is the one who comes up with the best solutions.

In this talk, Indi Young will present a methodical (but rapid!) approach to

invention. Using a mental model diagram depicting the behavior of a customer

segment, she will show how to recognize when your current offerings could do

better at matching needs and how to synthesize new ideas.

With the ideas in this presentation, you will be able to think up new

product ideas and improve upon old product features in a guided, strategic


About Indi Young

Indi began her work in Web applications in 1995 as a consultant in interaction and navigation design. A founding partner of Adaptive Path in 2001, she has worked with an impressive collection of clients, including Visa, Charles Schwab, Sybase, Agilent, Dow Corning, Microsoft, and PeopleSoft. Since 1995, Indi has constructed over 30 interview-based research projects, 22 of which included mental model diagrams. She considers this methodology she has developed another good way to be a β€œproblem solver.”

Indi is the author of the soon-to-be-released Rosenfeld Media book Mental Models:

Aligning design strategy with human behavior

  • Tags
  • innovation
  • strategy
  • user research
  • wdn08


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