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Aussie Barcamps galore in April

Aussie Barcamps galore in April

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • March 24th, 2008

By now, I suspect all of our readers will be familiar with the idea of a barcamp - “unconferences” which have no agenda, no invited speakers, little or no cost, and which encourage everyone who turns up to participate.

Australia has seen a number of these events in the last year or so, and April sees two events, one in Sydney on April 5th and 6th at the Roundhouse at UNSW, and the first ever in Canberra, at the CSIT building at ANU on April 19th.

Web Directions is sponsoring both events, and there’ll be some doorprizes in Canberra (no prizes for guessing what they might be).

Barcamps are a fantastic way of picking up new ideas, and sharing your know how and experience with others - all for free! You can’t do better than that!


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