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Vale Arthur C. Clarke | Web Directions

Vale Arthur C. Clarke

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • March 18th, 2008

Like many a young, science focussed geek growing up, science fiction as well as science fact became a very important part of my teenage years. Towering above the great names of mid century SciFi like Asimov and Robert A Henlien to my mind at least was Arthur C. Clarke. Clarke’s fiction was only one half to his remarkable life - he was also an extraordinary technological visionary, and many of his SciFi ideas years later became fact - from geo-stationary communications satellites, to the moon landings.

His was a remarkable life - lived through the adversity of polio (and having had some exposure to the effects of polio in my family, that raises him in my estimation an extraordinary amount), and with his passing at 90, I think all of us with a technological bent might find the time to read the New York Times obituary, and reflect on a remarkable life that has touched the lives of just about everyone in the world.

Thank you Mr Clarke.


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