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Free Web Directions event Melbourne May 15th

Free Web Directions event Melbourne May 15th

  • In: Blog
  • By: john
  • May 4th, 2008

Web Directions, along with the Melbourne Web Standards Group, and proudly supported by the W3C Australia office are presenting a great free event in Melbourne on May 15th - the night before Web Directions User Experience.

The event features two wonderful speakers from the W3C - Joe Manuel Alonso, the head of the W3C’s worldwide eGovernment initiative, and Richard Ishida, i18n (Internationalization) guru at the W3C.

With finger food (courtesy of SitePoint), and two fantastic speakers, for the extra special price of nothing, it’s a night not to be missed. This will be a very popular event, so please RSVP - if you are a WSG member, at the WSG site, or email us to let us know you’ll be coming.

Date: Thursday, May 15th

Time: 6.30pm for 7pm start

City: Melbourne

Venue: The Order Of Melbourne, Level 2, 401 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC 3000 [map]

Cost: FREE

But all is not lost if you are in Sydney, as the same lineup is appearing for the Web Standards Group up there. More details, and RSVP at the WSG site.


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