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Jenny Telford - Opening up government data

Jenny Telford - Opening up government data

  • In: Resources
  • By: maxine
  • March 10th, 2008

Catch this presentation live at Web Directions Government, Old Parliament House, Canberra, May 19 2008.

  • Session description
  • About Jenny Telford

Slides and podcast will be made available after the event.

Session description

Mapping and other mashups have taken the web world by storm - driving innovation in business and government alike. While much of the focus has been on the actual mashup applications, without the data to mashup, we have no mashups. Government, from local to Federal level, collect and manage a significant amount of data, across a very broad range of areas. But giving access to this data to web application developers has technical, policy and legal challenges. In this presentation, Jenny Telford of the ABS looks at these issues from their experience of opening up data from the Australian Census.

About Jenny Telford

Jenny Telford is currently the Director of Census Products and Services at the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). Jenny has worked in the government sector for over ten years in roles focused on the delivery of data and information through the internet and other channels. The ABS is one of the largest information providers in the country and freely provides data through the website on a range of social, economic and environmental issues.

  • Tags
  • data
  • government
  • mashups
  • strategy
  • web apps


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