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Have your say in the Web Directions South 2008 program

Have your say in the Web Directions South 2008 program

  • In: Blog
  • By: maxine
  • March 25th, 2008

Every year the Web Directions conference brings together a group of expert speakers who have been working on interesting projects and finding ingenious and practical solutions to those same challenges the attendees face in their own work.

This year we’d love your help with finding out who those experts are.

If you can spare 5 minutes to fill in our survey with who and what you’d like to see at Web Directions South in Sydney this September we’re really keen to incorporate your ideas into the program. And yes, we certainly want to hear about it if you would like to present something yourself!

The survey will close on April 9.

Discuss the results

But that’s not where it ends. You’ll be able to keep an eye on the survey results as they come in, though you will need a Google Account to get into this page.

And then on Friday April 11, between 9am and 3pm AEST John and I will be around to discuss the survey results via the “Discuss” tab on that page. Swing by some time, we’d love to hear from you.


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