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Paul Smithson just announced to all XSitePro clients that after thousands of man-hours of development and testing, XSitePro Version 2 is almost ready to be released. Yes!!!

XSite Pro version 2 is absolutely amazing website building software. I can't wait to share with you all the really cool stuff it has inside and you WILL be impressed!

The consensus amongst those who are using it is that it takes web site development to a whole new level of ease-of-use AND power.

Paul has decided not to announce the many new features at this stage:

"as all will be revealed between now and the launch, but I can promise you that some of the new features are going to make you feel like you've inherited Harry Potter's magic powers :-)"

So when is the upgrade date?

Current XSitePro users are scheduled to get priority access from Tuesday 20th May 2008.

NOTE: This is a provisional date, so it could change!

If you don't already have XSitePro - RIGHT NOW would be a great time to get it. The new version is likely to attract a price increase.

Quick link: Get XSitePro , See my XSitePro Bonus

Tags: version 2 xsitepro, xsite pro 2, xsitepro 2, xsitepro v2, xsitepro version 2, xsitepro2, xspv2

Filed under Bonus, Event, Launch, News, Pre-release, Tool by James


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Kyle and Carson launched WA 1.0 as a keyword list based membership site years ago and it grew into Wealthy Affiliate 2.0 in October 2006 with the addition of hosting and SiteRubix web builder among other highlights.

Then WA 3.0 was just recently upgraded with a lot of features added to it. They have invested plenty back into the membership site and it has many, many tools and features.

They have decided the Wealthy Affiliate membership is undervalued at $29.99 per month.

The WA motto is “your success is our success”… so, in line with that new resources will be coming for beginner, intermediate and advanced online marketers. This will include new videos, new money-making strategies, new guides, new tools, systems and services…as well as upgrades to the existing systems.

"WA tools increase your ability to research, build and implement profitable campaigns" they say.

All current Wealthy Affiliate members as at 6th May will be grandfathered at the old price of $29.99…

Quick links: Join Wealthy Affiliate , See my Wealthy Affiliate bonus

Tags: carson, kyle, price rise, wa 4.0, wealthy affiliate, wealthy affiliate bonus

Filed under Affiliate, News, Tool by James


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I just got this email from a product owner who I am an affiliate for.

"Firstly I wanted to thank you for becoming an Affiliate for my products and services. I regret to say that on May 31st 2008 I will be dropping the Affiliate program through XXXXX. I will be setting up new programs through another provider"

This type of email is one I have seen a few times now. I remember Perry Marshall changed his affiliate software provider, and ebay is changing the way they link right now etc… just recently John Reese decided to no-longer sell Traffic Secrets and he cancelled his monthly Reese report. So this is a common occurance. If you promote other peoples products you need to prepare for Change.

Am I worried? No.

Some people will be panicking though. Especially if they have produced content with direct links to the affiliate program. Imagine what happens to any direct links in ebooks that are unable to be changed? Even if you can go and chnage your links on every site it is still a huge hassle. Even the experts got caught out with this when the first viral ebooks went out.

I recommend all affiliates use redirects!

This is critical to "future proof" your affiliate income. In fact, later on you may even decide to make your own product so it is handy to be able to redirect your traffic to your own destination.

Even with redirects some people get this wrong. For example it is unwise to use third party re-directs. DO NOT use URL shrinkers or membership site redirect linker services. What happens when they go out of business or their site is down or you want to discontinue a membership? You lose control.. Always make your own. You should never, ever,  ever just paste the supplied affiliate link directly on your page.

Three preferred methods of redirects that will save your profit

Method 1: Add a page or sub-domain or folder to your domain to re-direct your affiliate traffic. So if you have a domain like and you want to link to a puppy training ebook you link to etc….  If the puppy training product changes you simply change your redirect. It is best to keep a generic name rather than a brand name so you can change the brand later. For clickbank products remember to cloak your links. For some products like $7 dollar scripts or sophisticated affiliate carts you cannot cloak links as it strips out the part that tracks your commission.

Method 2. Buy a domain for all your redirects. Put the domain on your hosting service then upload your redirect script to each page. So you now have a "hub" that you can manage all your re-directs from in one place. You can also add tracking scripts to your pages and keep a close eye on your incoming referral source. This works well if you have a lot of affiliate links and a lot of websites. So in this example you point all your site links to one central redirect. So you could link to (for autoresponder). You link to that whenever you want to mention autoresponder. Your stats will show which site of yours is sending the most traffic. Handy for building your affiliate empire.

Method 3. When you have core affiliate programs you will be using all the time it is time to get a domain name for each one. I use domain names like: when I want to link to hosting. I will put it on my own server and create a re-direct so that I can track the web traffic rather than just redirect it at the domain service. Also when you put your redirect on the server you can add meta tags and a page title. You get the benefit of backlinks and if your link has a keyword in it it sometimes ranks for that in the search results. This data will give you valuable clues about where to invest your attention. If you choose generic names you can change suppliers when you want. Also you can safely put these links on your blog posts, ebooks and websites knowing that when you want to change you can.

Final word - Make sure you TEST all affiliate links

When you set up your links you need to check that they are tracking. After you lose a few sales you will remember to do this forever!

Happy linking!

Tags: Affiliate, affiliate links, affiliate redirect, cloaking links, how to re-direct, re-direct

Filed under Affiliate, How To, Ideas by James


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Cool - Aweber have added the lightbox name squeeze to the control panel. This means you can set the opt-in form to hover in and the rest of the page is shaded out. If you are a first time visitor to this blog you will see it in action.

The advantage of a lightbox name capture is focus.

The proof is in the opt-in. When you dramatically boost op-ins using this script you know it works. The great thing about aweber is you can place the script on all your blogs and websites and track each channel by itself. Also it has such an easy client interface you dont need a programmer or difficult steps to make this start straight way.

(I am sure those clever guys at Aweber were as blown away as I was when they heard Joe Mercola discussing the results of his lightbox experiments at Yaniks Underground 4, and here we are a few weeks later and they have implemented it into the best autoresponder service)

Put a lightbox name capture on your website

Tags: aweber, collect names, lightbox, lightbox script, name capture, name squeeze

Filed under Affiliate, Blog, How To by James


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The update of speed ppc by Jay Stockwell is released and for a short time is selling for 20% off. The new features are pretty awesome and include a bunch of new technology. The new site design looks hot as well!

Clearly the PPC tool of choice for advanced users Speed PPC is the benchmark. Here are some of the new features:

Yahoo! Search Marketing Support is now faster than was ever before possible. The Advanced Ad Building  feature allows you to simply feed in all your headlines, copy and display URL’s and SpeedPPC will build text ads that represent every variation of these. Ideal for split testing.

Ad Copying - If you have ads that are similar to one another you don't need to re-write them any more, simply copy them from one box to another with the click of a button. Keyword Library -awesome for words you use over and over again. Cleaning Features allow you to ensure that your keywords are clean with new cleaning filters applied to your lists to ensure no nasty surprises.

Improved Project Management so you can now see all your SpeedPPC projects under one campaign view no matter where they are stored on your computer. You can now work on and build multiple campaigns at once.

- One Keyword Per Ad Group. It’s now possible to have one keyword per ad group creating a perfect relevancy chain. Amazing Quality Score results. Improved Interface including excel output.


Keyword Counts let you instantly see how many keywords you have in each of your lists, as well as how many permutations will be built from them.

Plus you get SpeedPPC Datafeed Landing Page Software, SpeedPPC Training and Resources incuding Expansion Lists for 186 Countries and 15 Professional Landing Page Templates…

Check out Speed ppc


Tags: affiliate marketing, alan gardyne, jay stockwell, ppc marketing, ppc tools, speed ppc

Filed under Affiliate, Launch, PPC, Tool by James


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You need a wordpress blog for effective internet marketing. This is something that can be added alongside a traditional website to maximise traffic and SEO and this podcast gives you a few reasons why.

Listen to todays podcast about Wordpress


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handy links:

Semiologic (A super Wordpress based blog)

Click here for hosting

Tags: how to install wordpress, Podcast, semiologic, why wordpress, wordpress

Filed under Affiliate, Blog, Podcast, Tool by James


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Things will go wrong from time to time. That happens in business. If you are persistant you will push through past the point where others give up. Challenges should be celebrated as the signposts to say that you are on the road to success.

Enjoy todays podcast about persistance

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Tags: internet marketing tips, persistance, Podcast

Filed under How To, Ideas, Podcast by James


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I made a quick audio to let you know about something I noticed recently about SEO rankings and how you can do the same.

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Tags: seo podcast

Filed under Podcast, SEO by James


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This subject of Reverse Name Squeezing has crossed my path a few times in the last week. First Jeff Walker was discussing the concept in his video content (and using it himself) and then I noticed someone using a very sneaky method for squeezing names indeed. The guy using the sneaky technique has a large list of subscribers and he uses a clever script to increase subscription rates far beyond his prior benchmarks.

First, what is a reverse name sqeeze?

This is where you give the content FIRST, then capture a name. It lets the visitor see value and build trust before they surrender the valuable information. If you buy or sell anything online you will know people are reluctant to be pressured into anything. Some people will leave a traditional squeeze page (just a name and email capture with only a sales message) without leaving any details and feeling worse for being brought there in the first place. The reverse name squeeze halps solve that issue.

So how do you reverse name squeeze?

Simply put a name capture box next to valuable content or on a pop-in or exit pop-up on the page. This way the visitor decides if the value is there before opting in for more. I am sure you will agree they are more likely to stay subscribed if you treat them right. In some cases you may show a video first, in other examples offer a free download like a mind map or a PDF they can have without opt-in and then they can opt in if they like it. I have used that for very high conversions.

Added benefits

As you are getting more qualified prospects you are also able to optmize your page better for search engine and pay-per-click traffic. The really cool thing about having content with a name capture is you get the right people visiting and you start the trust and relationship from the beginning.

Sneaky wordpress plugin

If you want to let visitors see a certain number of pages and THEN ask them to subscribe you could try using this wordpress plugin for reverse name squeezing. You set the message and autoresponder details, and also the number of pages viewed before the blog is 'locked'. This is the same tactic that has brought plenty of new subscribers to one very switched on marketer I know.

Check out the plugin

Tags: how to name squeeze, reverse name sqeeze reverse name capture, wordpress plugin, wordpress tools

Filed under Ideas, List Building, Resource, Tool by James


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How  ironic is this?

My product launch formula bonus site is ranking first in Google for the search term:

product launch formula bonus.

 I have made quite a few sales from this campaign I started only in March. I decided not to hammer my lists in favour of putting my sites where people will be searching. The bonus is SEO mentoring. I will be helping a few PLF 2.0 owners one-on-one to rank a site well using the same methods I have been testing.

At this moment I have two sites on Page one for the term:

product launch formula

Do you want to know how I did it?

Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter - I plan to reveal a few secrets to subscribers soon. By the way PLF 2.0 is about to close forever - don't miss it.

Tags: bonus for subscribers, learn seo, plf 2.0, search engine optimization results, seo mentoring

Filed under Affiliate, Bonus, Case Study, How To, SEO by James


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