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Final resource from WDN08 - Indi Young’s Innovation with Mental Models

Final resource from WDN08 - Indi Young’s Innovation with Mental Models

  • In: Blog
  • By: maxine
  • April 22nd, 2008

Innovation with Mental Models was one of my favourite presentations from Web Directions North this year. Indi, not to mention the clients she did the work for, was incredibly generous with the detailed description of her mental models approach to user research and product design.

Fascinating, candid content presented in a manner which will demystify the whole process for you. In fact, I would put this presentation forward as a model for any aspiring presenter, as well as anyone interested in research and design.

And if you like what you hear and see, check out Indi’s book, the first from Rosenfeld Media, Mental Models: Aligning Design Strategy with Human Behavior.


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