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Lightbox Name Capture from Aweber

Cool - Aweber have added the lightbox name squeeze to the control panel. This means you can set the opt-in form to hover in and the rest of the page is shaded out. If you are a first time visitor to this blog you will see it in action.

The advantage of a lightbox name capture is focus.

The proof is in the opt-in. When you dramatically boost op-ins using this script you know it works. The great thing about aweber is you can place the script on all your blogs and websites and track each channel by itself. Also it has such an easy client interface you dont need a programmer or difficult steps to make this start straight way.

(I am sure those clever guys at Aweber were as blown away as I was when they heard Joe Mercola discussing the results of his lightbox experiments at Yaniks Underground 4, and here we are a few weeks later and they have implemented it into the best autoresponder service)

Put a lightbox name capture on your website

Tags: aweber, collect names, lightbox, lightbox script, name capture, name squeeze

Filed under Affiliate, Blog, How To by James

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