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FREE Search Engine Optimization Keyword Tool

I added the linktator2   seo keyword tool to a domain today. It is really cool. 

How it works

This SEO keyword tool compares results for a particular keyword or phrase by splitting the result into "non seo optimized" and "seo optimized" . The SEO keyword  tool uses search results comparing links and titles and anchor text results.

So if you you add all your keywords into the tool it will list the least competitive words in the top and the most competitive words at the bottom. The idea is to optimize for words that are not being battled over.


I tried it for some of my keyword lists and found it to be a very good indicator of which keywords to chase. 

>> Check your keywords right now

Tags: ppc, search engine keyword tool, sem, SEO, seo keyword tool

Filed under Resource, SEO, Tool by James

Spread the Word!

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