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Product Launch Formula SEO ranking

How  ironic is this?

My product launch formula bonus site is ranking first in Google for the search term:

product launch formula bonus.

 I have made quite a few sales from this campaign I started only in March. I decided not to hammer my lists in favour of putting my sites where people will be searching. The bonus is SEO mentoring. I will be helping a few PLF 2.0 owners one-on-one to rank a site well using the same methods I have been testing.

At this moment I have two sites on Page one for the term:

product launch formula

Do you want to know how I did it?

Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter - I plan to reveal a few secrets to subscribers soon. By the way PLF 2.0 is about to close forever - don't miss it.

Tags: bonus for subscribers, learn seo, plf 2.0, search engine optimization results, seo mentoring

Filed under Affiliate, Bonus, Case Study, How To, SEO by James

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