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Drip e-mail marketing for Realtors®

Ever heard of drip marketing or drip newsletters? It's method of sending newsletters to leads and clients in a more personalized way. In fact, this this article you're reading right now will be delivered on day 28 of my own drip e-mail system (also called an autoresponder).

There are several reasons a drip marketing system is superior over a standard broadcast newsletter system. First and foremost is the ability to dramatically boost your conversion rate of leads to listings or leads to sales.

Benefits of a drip campaign manager

  • Substantially increase your conversion rate

    With a drip system, your conversion rate can go up dramatically, because your newsletters can forge a genuine relationship with potential clients over time. This is because it often takes multiple points of contact with a professional for the average person to feel comfortable hiring them. Many Realtors simply give up too soon. 

    Newsletters will occasionally strike a chord with a reader and they will reply with a comment or question. Then you have a chance to learn more about their needs and how you can help them.

    Other times, they will contact you already pre-sold on what you have to offer. All you need to do is answer their questions and educate them about the next step to take.

  • Write an article once, and all of your subscribers see it.

    With a standard newsletter system, when you write a newsletter article and send it to your list today, those who subscribe to your list tomorrow won't get it. With a drip system, every subscriber gets every e-mail in the drip series. No wasted time, no wasted effort.

  • You choose the sequence of messages.

    With a standard newsletter, Joe Blow subscribed today, but Jane Doe subscribed last year. Yet they're both getting the same content. With a drip system, your message can be customized to the length of time since the person subscribed.

    A message set up to deliver on day two after a subscription can say "Hi Joe, let me know if you have any questions about my e-mail yesterday…."

    A message set up to deliver after a year can say "Hi Jane, I noticed it's been about a year since you first expressed interest in the local real estate market. I hope my e-mails have been informative for you. Let me know if you want to get together to search for listings!"

  • You can still deliver time-sensitive e-mails.

    With some drip systems, it is only a drip system. With the package I offer to my clients, it is both a newsletter system and powerful a drip campaign manager. So you can schedule a broadcast e-mail to the whole list that all subscribers will get each Spring, in addition to drip messages that occur a fixed number of days after subscription. This is a powerful way to communicate with your prospects and turn them into clients!

  • Stay in continuous, but unobtrusive contact with potential clients.

    We all know that successful sales means keeping in touch with potential clients. But we also know that no one likes to be pestered by sales calls. A drip autoresponder is one way to keep your name in front of your potential clients until they're ready for your services.

    Many times, sales don't occur for months after initial contact. In some cases, it's over a year. By that time, that person has fallen off your shortlist of leads to follow up on, but not your drip newsletter system. Your drip system will remember to stay in touch with them for years down the road, when finally, that family is ready to move. And that's when they finally give you a call.

    Many of you on my own drip newsletter will no doubt become future clients of mine in much the same least I hope so! For whatever reason, you may not be ready for a new site yet, but you've been thinking seriously about it. And when the time is right for you, you'll call me...(208) 249-8893 ;-)

  • Get more commission checks.

    The bottom line for any website marketing investment is that you should expect it to pay for itself. Custom web marketing platforms can be a little pricier than the boilerplate solutions you often find out there in the marketplace. But the custom platorms (at least the ones I offer) are worth every penny. A good website + drip combo will easily pay for itself over time by generating more leads and converting a higher percentage of them to sales.

  • Does your website pay for itself?

    If your website marketing initiatives aren't working, or you suspect they could be a lot better, call me. Maybe a drip e-mail manager is what you need to get you going. Or maybe you want to just start fresh with a whole new custom real estate website of your own.

    Make 2008 your best year ever by taking your online marketing seriously, and request more information on my custom web marketing services.

    Thanks for reading, and God bless,

    Kevin Harper

    Experienced Realtor Marketing

    (208) 249-8893

    P.s. - I can offer substantial discounts on drip e-mail systems when they are combined with a new custom website. In fact, one of the benefits of my system is that it can glean subscriber information from your new website. So when Suzy Homeowner contacts you via any form on your site, she can automatically be opted into your drip campaign. Your drip messages to her can keep you in the front of her mind until she's ready to buy or sell.

    Need a website or some web marketing help? Please fill out this form, and I'll get in touch with you to discuss your needs. First Last Company Name Street Address City State Zip E-mail Phone Type of Business Comments or Questions? I was referred by Timeframe for project Receive Free Marketing Tips = Required

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