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Effective Backlinking Strategy For Search Results and Traffic

I have been testing all types of traffic and seo methods over the last few years. One of them in particular has been very effective for getting real gains in rankings.

Getting backlinks to my sites with a specific choice of keywords is critical

Just for a quick re-cap on how back-links work: Back links are what tells search engines that your site is important. If you combine that with relevant content, links to important pages, meta tags, descriptions, title, h1 tags, sitemaps you will have a winning combo.

What other websites say about you is critical for search engine credibility. If you can control what the links say and where they link to in your site then you

can influence the search engine results. If you have the best links pointing back to your site from other sites then you will almost certainly be ranked higher up in the search engines.

The Problem With Link Building

Getting targeted, relevant links to your site requires a little bit of work. The normal process is to contact other webmasters and request they link to you from their  link pages. The other main problem with that is that they will want a link back, and you have no real way of guaranteeing that they won't remove the link later. You'll need to tell them exactly what you want them to say, including the keywords to use, the link to display and the description to show. And that's just the start. You will need to do a lot of requests to get anywhere with that method. Other issues are the fact that the webmaster may be penalised for having a spammy looking links page.

Once upon a time I joined a link exchange program that was set up to help you find linking partners, but most of the members were trashy websites. The

other problem is that reciprocal links are not too effective anymore. You will probably have heard of '3 way links'. There are some issues with that as well. Other than price, the most 'popular' system is a little clunky to use and the links are not so close to topic.

I did eventually find a highly effective easy to use method

I can't remember where I stumbled across this 'under the radar' resource but somehow I got in on the test phase. The results were amazing. The test sites

I loaded into the system have performed exceptionally. If you get this set-up "right", then you can greatly improve the odds of getting targeted traffic to your web site on a regular basis. There is a control panel where you can see your site rankings each week and also you have three keyword phrases per site to target.

This system will eliminate the majority of the work involved with getting and keeping  relevant back links to your site. There is a quality control element that protects you in a number of ways from bad sites. For example you are not to use pages called 'links'.

The owner of linktator2 Dave Wooding does most of the "grunt" work involved with getting back links to your site. You simply set up (a number of sites if yoiu like) the basic components and away you go. The only up front work will be the likes of providing your domain, keywords, and a description. Then upload a simple script to your site, but once complete, your job is done and the script takes over. You will have lots of sites linking to you and you will not be linking to any of them. The sites are divided into relevant categories to match your niche as close as possible.

Over time, your site will receive relevant back links to your site  the same as they sites I tried when I tested this system for several months before recommending it to you. If you look carefully,  you will see my testimonial on the information page. My test site went from lower  than 100 to number one in Google!  Naturally I do a few of  my other SEO modifications as well.

You can read about all of the details on this powerful linking system by following this link:

>> Click HERE to find out more about this system

(Don't underestimate the power of quality, relevant back links to your website to give your web site rankings the boast they need in the search engines)

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