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Web Directions North » Blog Archive » Birds of a Feather sessions announced

Birds of a Feather sessions announced

As we announced a few weeks back, this year during the lunch breaks at the conference, we’ll be helping to facilitate “birds of a feather” sessions. These will be entirely opt-in! Here’s how it works.

In the lunch area (nice big sit down tables) we’ll have 6 large tables set up each day, with whiteboards/flip charts, and a moderator for the table’s area of interest. Simply turn up, say hi, and join the conversation.

There’s a broad range of interesting technical and strategic issues to choose from. Titles below, and full descriptions on our BOF page.

Thanks so much to all who proposed topics for the sessions, all were great worthwhile suggestions - we came down to available space in having to limit the total number of sessions.

And the sessions are:


1 year ago: from unemployed to Web Developer at Yahoo!

Klaus Komenda

Large scale CSS Frameworks

Tom Cartwright and Richard Northover

Ambient Personalisation

Seamus Leahy

Selling Web Standards

Andrew Pritchard

Progressive Enhancement

Tim Wright

Web standards in K-12/Secondary and Teritiary Education - is there a way?

Matt Harris


CMS + web standards

Miyuki Fukuma

Security 2.0

Scott Baldwin

Doing it all yourself: being a Jack or Jill of all web trades

Ricky Onsman

Where do the browser and the desktop meet?

Ryan Stewart

Front-end Certification

Tyler Roehmholdt

Putting Sharepoint on a Diet

Mark Simonds

Posted by John on 24/01/08 at 4:32 pm

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