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Web Directions North » Blog Archive » Interesting times

Interesting times

We live, as the Chinese adage says, “in interesting times” when it comes to the core technologies of the web.  In recent weeks, days and even hours, there have been significant developments when it comes to core standards like CSS and HTML, and technologies like the browsers without which we don’t really have a web at all.

Whatever your position on these debates and developments, you’ll find very significant contributors to the development of these technologies and standards, from companies like Microsoft, Opera and Adobe, from the W3C, from the Web Standards Project, as well as others keenly interested in making the web work right at Web Directions North. There’s no better way to cut to the chase, or even put your case, than to meet and discuss these issues with those best placed to influence and implement them.

One thing I’ve learned over the years in meeting and chatting with folks like this is its best to leave your preconceptions at the door. They are just as committed to and passionate about the web as you are. Passions can run a little high from time to time about some of these issues, which is both a great thing (people really care) and can lead to difficulties in the heat of a discussion. But if we keep in mind that at the bottom, we are all on the same side, then the differences can be seen in the context of differing challenges faced by different people and organizations in the web ecosystem.

So if you see folks from Microsoft, Adobe, Opera, the W3C, Wasp at Web Directions North - people whose names you may recognize, whether speakers, or attendees, go and say hi - that’s a significant reason why they come along. Chat about the issues that interest you - your opinion will definitely be respected, though maybe debated and discussed, so be prepared for that too.

Posted by John on 22/01/08 at 2:59 pm

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