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Web Directions North » Blog Archive » Birds of a Feather sessions

Birds of a Feather sessions

One of the best things about coming to Web Directions North is getting to meet people who work in similar areas, who deal with similar challenges to your own. Nothing’s better for learning about how other people are solving the day to day problems you face.

This year at Web Directions North we’re going to help this process along a bit by setting up some Birds of a Feather tables during the lunch breaks. Drawing on a little of the Barcamp spirit, we’d like you to be the unorganisers, so we’re asking for topic submissions from attendees. If your topic is chosen, all you need do is turn up at your table and give a quick spiel about what you’re interested in exploring, then open it up to those who gather around. If you’ve been to a Barcamp you’ll already be familiar with the great discussions that come out of bringing people together like this, and if you haven’t, you’re going to love the intensity and high level talk that ensues.

Space limitations mean there’ll only be a limited number of tables each day, so we’re going to ask attendees to submit potential topics in advance. We’ll let you know before the day where and when you are on, and make sure all the other attendees know what is on where.

So, what’s on your mind? All you need do is send us a quick description of your idea for a Birds of a Feather session and we’ll take it from there.

Looking forward to meeting you in Vancouver in just a couple of weeks now.

Posted by maxine on 13/01/08 at 9:33 pm

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