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Report: Sex and the City Movie Is a Go

they've ever suddenly diverted their path to follow a member of the opposite sex. Every woman I've asked has said no,. Actor Sarah Jessica Parker, who plays the New York-based columnist, shot wedding scenes in New York yesterday for Sex in the City: The Movie,. "Sex and the City: The Movie" is filming in New York City right now. And the Daily News is on the scene to bring you exclusive news and photos from the film. TELEVISION; 'Sex' Jeep Grand Cherokee and the Mythic Movie Dream of New York City. Print ยท Single-Page; Save. By JAMES SANDERS. Published:

February 22, 2004. If you dont want to know what happens in the new Sex in the City movie, do not read on! Photographers snapped Kristin Davis filming a scene from the Film Threat: This

movie has all the makings of a and Antique Classic rockin'

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