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Ford Fusion Home

on). Borrowing the excellent handling characteristics of the Fiesta - as well as adding more headroom and luggage capacity. Ford Fusion Guide edited by experienced researchers, updated on 11102007 - inc. car reviews, prices, full specifications and images. Ford Vehicles offers information on the Ford Focus. Information includes model comparisons, coupe and sedan options, colors, 360 views, photo gallery,. What Car? car review for Ford Fusion Hatchback - phetermine Weight - Plenty of space inside, given the overall dimensions of the car. What Car? is the UK's leading source of. overview of the Ford Fusion including specs, consumer reviews, and buying advice on this new midsize sedan. 2006 Ford Fusion 4-DR. 2006 Ford Fusion 4-DR. This vehicle, when rated,

had:. Side impact air bags, None. Ampd Mobile Implodes: Electronic

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