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Offline Advertising of your Realtor Website

Sometimes Realtors® forget that in order to market their properties, they need to market themselves and their own websites. One can't simply focus on advertising her or her properties, and not spend time and resources dragging a wide net to collect leads. That should include plenty of offline promotion of you and your website.

If your job is to match buyers and sellers, it stands to reason that you need to get in touch with a lot of potential home buyers and a lot of potential home sellers before you'll be able to effectively sell real estate.

I can do some amazing things with search engine marketing techniques to drive organic search engine traffic to your site, but online efforts can be supplemented with great results through the following offline promotion techniques.

Offline website promotion techniques

Business cards and stationery

This may be a no-brainer for most of my readers, but your website address should be prominently placed on your business card. Most potential clients will want to check you out on your website before trusting their real estate transaction to you. If your site isn't prominently visible, or if the site itself doesn't sell you very well, take the time to correct it. 

Incoming voicemail messages

When potential clients leave a voicemail for you, do they get a message that says "Hi, this is __________, please leave a message and I'll get back to you?" Or do they get a message that says: "Hi, you've reached __________, please leave your name and number and I'll get back to you ASAP. In the meantime, you can access the complete MLS on my website to search for your new home at"

Outgoing voicemail messages

In our fast-paced, technology-driven marketplace, when returning calls to potential clients, sometimes you have to play phone tag. That's okay. Make the best of it by letting them know you're looking forward to taking their call, and that they can check out the entire MLS on your website to search for their new home. Be sure to mention your website address!

Print ads

Whenever you place display ads in magazines and newspapers, be sure to display your website address prominently. For many buyers, this will be their first point of contact with you. Cover ads on real estate magazines are particularly effective for this, because many people will be able to see your website address without ever picking up the magazine in front of the local grocery store or restaurant.

Press releases

Press releases are under-utilized by Realtors® because most don't understand how stories end up getting into the press. Have you ever read a local story in the real estate section where an agent or broker was quoted as an authority on a particular subject? Chances are good that the article was "pitched" in a press release by one of the parties quoted in the article.

A mention in the newspaper gives you a great deal of credibility, and if your website address shows up, that's even better. Of course, even if you are successful in finding a reporter to write about a particular story, there is no guarantee they will write it the way you want it. You have to let them do their job of writing good stories, and be happy with whatever recognition they want to give you.

Radio and TV commercials

Radio and TV commercials (often inexpensive cable TV commercials) can be a great way to get additional exposure for you, your website, and ultimately your clients' properties. Call up a radio station you listen to frequently and start there. Find out costs, and if you decide to try it, make sure you use it to drive traffic to your website.

There are numerous other offline marketing technique you can use to get your website address out there in the public eye. Be creative, and This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it if you have some goods ones I can add here!

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