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Request a website analysis

Written by Kevin Harper   

If you are a Realtor interested in learning how I can improve your real estate website, just fill out the form below. For a refundable $100 fee, I will spend over an hour reviewing your site, looking at the HTML for factors that are keeping it from performing on the search engines, and writing a personalized report.

You'll have solid, actionable advice from an expert and a summarized list of your site's Top SEO Killers. You are guaranteed to improve your search ranking if you follow the advice in the report.

Realtors who become paying clients will be refunded their $100 fee. (Note: This fee will be waived for those who request a website analysis at my Google Seminar.)

  • Fill out the request form below.
  • Go to "Make a Payment" to pay the $100 fee.
  • God bless,

    P.s. - If this isn't for you quite yet, just hang out on the newsletter and get free search engine advice there. I'll provide plenty of it to keep you busy improving your site!

    Now accepting reservations for a free website analysis

    This is not a machine-generated analysis, but an actual review of your website's search engine visibility using a number of important criteria such as content, structure, and popularity. I'll report back on issues that you might want to address to achieve better search engine rankings. 

    First Last Company Name Street Address City State Zip E-mail Phone Type of Business Your website URL Comments or Questions? I was referred by Receive my free Realtor marketing newsletter = Required 


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