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Nikhil Parekh - Secrets Of A PPC Super Affiliate

>> Pre-Release Offer

Nikhil Parekh is  a Millionaire….

  I mentioned I was working on a new product. It revolves around affiliate marketing and in particular 'Pay-Per-Click'. At some stage you are likely to be applying a pay-per-click strategy to your marketing regardless of what site you run.

  In my case, I have been using pay-per-click for a few years. The biggest concern with using this method of marketing is setting it up to be profitable. Thankfully I was able to call in my friend Nikhil Parekh.

  Nikhil is one of the best in the world when it comes to PPC. Some of his friends are the top players in the industry and they look to him for ideas when it comes to pay-per-click marketing.

  He is a real Super Affiliate and he has taught me a lot about how to look at my online business. Recently I asked him if I could record him in an interview and he said yes. I wanted to share the same lessons he showed me.

  Next I posted a thread in the popular Warrior Forum asking people to tell me what they would ask a PPC millionaire.  I thought I would get the most popular ones and answer as many as I could.

The thread got more than 1000 views

  Once I produced the audio I had it transcribed and added some other stuff such as MindMaps. The resulting audio MP3 is valuable information as Nikhil details information about running an online business as well as Adwords tips and strategies.

If you are an affiliate marketer or you use PPC as part of your traffic generation strategy then I think you should grab the audio.

One other thing that happened which I did not expect…

  Nikhil offered access to his spy tool. This tool looks out for your competition. So for example when you type in your  keyword (say the product you are promoting) it looks up who else is promoting that product as an affiliate.

You then visit those sites and see what they have there. One thing I do is use the site command in google:

 And that will tell me what pages are there for my competition. Once you get a feel for the content and you have a look at the keywords in the tags etc… and you have looked at the  sitemap then you will see what terms you can replicate.

I know this might sound complicated but it is not. I put a video of it here:

 Check out this amazing tool. In fact I ran some tests against the new AffiliateElite tool by Brad Callen and Nikhil's tool brings up more competition because it scours more affiliate networks. (More than ten).

Nikhil has offered 2 searches per day for life - so when you consider that Affiliate Elite costs $176 and $39 p/mth this is excellent value for the one time offer.

Nikhil charges more than $10,000 for coaching so this information is well priced.

Check out the pre-release special while it lasts:

>> Pre-Release offer

Filed under Launch, Nikhil, Audio, Coaching, Affiliate, Ppc by James Schramko

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