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Glyphius - What is it?


       ….by James Brauch is an incredible mathematical copywriting tool I discovered. I have read reviews and checked results of multiple tests conducted in copywriting circles and blogs.

     I  watched a video where it was split tested (this is when you put a headline made by Glyphius up against a headline standard one) the results echoed the guarantee stated by the software!


What is it?

       Glyphius is a simple mathematical software tool that compares your words to proven effective ads. Almost like an electronic swipefile. Great copywriters keep swipe files (Copies of the best ads to model from) so they can derive inspiration. Dan Kennedy has a swipe file room! When you get a winning ad, you simply copy the good elements and in return receive (predictable) similar results.

I am re-writing many of sales letters on my sites using better optimized headlines

     The potential gains just by changing a headline cannot be underestimated. If I can realize a 10% improvement (that would be conservative) I could make a massive changes to my results after 12 months.

Can't afford not to

     The way I look at it, I only need to make a few more sales to cover the cost of Glyphius. Once I have done that (and with the volume of sites I own that won't be long), I will increase results for ever.

Leveraged Payoff

      In my last post (Adinfluence) you get a multi use payoff when you increase copy effectiveness. I wish I had invested in Glyphius sooner. Grab a copy.


Filed under Copywriting, Software, Review, Tips, Tools by James Schramko

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