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Web Directions South 2007 » Scott Berkun

The myths of innovation

  • MP3 of presentation - to come
  • Presentation slides - to come
  • Session description
  • About Scott Berkun

Session description

Much of what we know about innovation is wrong. That’s

the bet this entertaining keynote takes as it romps through the history of

innovation, dispelling the mythologies we’ve constructed about how we got

here. This talk, loosely based on Scott Berkun’s recent O’Reilly book (May 2007), will help you to recognize the myths, understand their popularity (even if you don’t believe in them), and how to use the truth of innovations past to help you in your work today.

About Scott Berkun

Scott Berkun worked on the Internet explorer team at Microsoft from 1994-1999 and left the company in 2003 with the goal of writing enough books to fill a shelf. He wrote the 2005 best seller, The Art of Project Management, and his second book, The Myths of Innovation, was published in May 2007. He makes a living writing, teaching and speaking. He teaches a graduate course in creative thinking at the University of Washington, runs the sacred places architecture tour at NYC’s GEL conference, and writes about innovation, design and management at


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