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XSitePro Version Upgrade 1.60

If you use XSitePro, then you will need to know that XSitePro version 1.60 is available for upload.

I have tested it and it makes cleaner code in the source view. Another great feature is now  XSitePro will ask you to confirm if you try and change a page name. In the old days it was easy to overwrite a page extension and cause your links to stop working. This upgrade is a preperation move towards getting version 2 due out later  this year.

To upgrade your version of  XSitePro:

Go to>>  "help" >> " check for updates"

If you do not own XSitePro yet, make sure you buy XSite Pro (with a bonus) it now and start learning it. You will automatically get upgraded to XSitePro Version2 when it is released…

Filed under Software, Xsitepro, Tips, Websites by James Schramko

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