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Why real estate agents should blog

The value of blogging is often misunderstood and understimated as it relates to search engine ranking. In fact, it can be extremely important in a competitve field like real estate, where agents and brokers must compete for the attention of data-weary home buyers and sellers. There are a number of really good reasons to start blogging if you are a real estate agent, and I'll go over them with you.

Why real estate agents should blog

  • Blogging provides fresh content for Google to come back to. Crawling websites that don't get updated often is not a good allocation of search engine resources, so search engines tend to look for a good reason to show up on your  doorstep to say "hey."
  • More importantly, blogging gives your readers fresh content to read, meaning there's more of a chance for them to find you. Blogging keeps your site fresh, forcing you to pay attention to it. The Internet is probably the biggest source of leads for agents, so it pays to stay engaged wtih your site.
  • It's allows you to focus your writing on the keywords you want to target on the search engines. When you write about real estate topics, paying close attention to keywords that home buyers and sellers are searching for, you are more likely to be found on sites like Google or Yahoo.

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