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This article contains 212 words. ยป Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Blog, Welcome

August 30th, 2007

These days there seems to be an endless supply of web content giving advice and tips for how to achieve high rankings on the Search Engine results pages. As an SEO Professional over the last 10 years, I have come across and tested many different strategies, but never have I seen so much mass confusion, and differing of opinions as I have seen in the SEO community over the last 12 months. Having had a great deal of success in my efforts, and recently having freed up some time from my daily grind, I have decided to join the recent onslaught of books, sites, and podcasts - and bring what I feel is a higher quality, less cryptic set of tools, practices, and measurement techniques. I will aim to use real world cases with each strategy and tactical approach I demonstrate, rather than just ramble endlessly on about fictional examples. In addition to the blog I will be launching a podcast later this year, an email newsletter, and a syndicated article section that will provide quality feeds from other reputable SEO sources.

So, without further delay, I welcome you to my SEO blog.

Entry Filed under: Search Engine Optimization (SEO)


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