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Search Engine Friendly Design

Written by Kevin Harper    Wednesday, 08 November 2006

It's a common mistake to over-optimize a site for search engine placement. This is usually done using underhanded techniques called "Black Hat SEO." Google is always in the process of heavily penalizing such sites for unnatural word patterns that are intended solely to trick search engine robots into ranking the site better. These techniques will drastically hurt a site in the long run, sometimes permanently, because Google maintains a "blacklist" of domains that are excluded from its index.

Nevertheless, there are principles of good layout, graphic design, HTML coding, and URL design that do have an effect on search engine ranking. Above-board techniques to better a site’s search engine ranking are called “White Hat SEO.” We will only use above-board techniques to optimize a site for the search engines. There are many cases where sites using black hat techniques fall off Google’s index overnight, never to return. We don’t want this to happen to any of our clients.

Initial Search Engine Friendly Design and Optimization is included in every contract. An ongoing Search Engine Marketing Maintenance Contract is available for an additional monthly fee that provides monthly maintenance of search engine marketing tasks such as re-submitting the site, updating the sitemap, and performing competitive keyword analysis and ranking reports for your most important keywords.

Last Updated ( Monday, 13 November 2006 )

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