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Web Directions South 2007 ยป John Allsopp

Trends and predictions in web technology

  • MP3 of presentation - to come
  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • About John Allsopp

Presentation slides

Session description

Web designers and developers are a very practical bunch, often too busy with todayโ€™s challenges and workloads to find time to keep up with developments over the horizon. In this session John Allsopp looks at what trends that are important for web designers and developers and innovators generally - what future versions of browsers have in store, what devices people will be using to access the web, and more. A perfect complement to Bert Bosโ€™s focus on coming web standard technologies.

About John Allsopp

Successful software developer, long standing web development speaker, writer, evangelist and expert, John has spent the last 15 years working with and developing for the web. As the head developer of the leading cross platform CSS development tool Style Master, and developer and publisher of renowned training courses and learning resources on CSS and standards based development, John is widely recognized as a leader in these fields.

As a presenter and educator, John speaks frequently at conferences around Australia and the world. His idiosyncratic blog Dog or Higher covers a broad range of subjects, particularly in technology and innovation, and is widely read and referenced.


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