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Web Directions South 2007 » Blog Archive » Web Directions Wrap up

With 28 presentations by over 30 presenters, getting the podcasts organized this year has been quite a task. There’s permissions to get from every author, CDs to rip and downsample (unless you want to download 60MB per presentation), the podcast RSS to create, site changes to make, and more.

This year, we’ve created a large resources section for the conference, where you can find most of the slideshows (a few presenters asked that theirs didn’t get published for a variety of reasons), and the podcasts (several there now, more coming soon, once permissions are finalized). So head over and take a look.

You can also subscribe to our podcasts, so that as they come online, you’ll hear about them.

There’s more to come of course, but this ought to keep you occupied for a little while. Enjoy.

Posted: on Tuesday, October 16th, 2007 at 9:34 pm

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