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Project Black Mask

I bought Project Black Mask


I want to know what the others are doing. Simple as that. I buy stuff and then tell you about it.

is it good?

Well, whilst I would not recommend planning on retiring using  these techniques, it is an interesting read. Essentially these "Black Hat" marketers are not interested in quality content, they create sites that are by their own admission:

"low quality documents and sites with content generated by software and rank them highly for target keywords. These sites add no value to the web because they provide no fresh content, no extra information and generally very little except monetization tactics for the site owner. That’s what black hat SEOs are after: money."

Cold stuff.

So if that sounds your business model go for it.

The funny thing is, Chris (Day Job Killer) failed his first attempts at making money with Adsense. Why bother trying anyway if he is so good at affiliate marketing?

The reason is of course, he makes a killing selling info products - more than a million dollars according to him.

(He sold 4000 copies of Preject Black Mask within a day or so)

So, if you are curious about how these adsense web masters do it, this is where to find out. You do get some good long tail info and tools listed. There are some diagrams and two short videos in the package.

Some elements of the information could be applied to existing sites of yours if you want to leave out the more naughty tactics. The info on social sites and where to get free public hosting is handy.

My preferred business model is still good solid value sites - more quality than quantity. If you want to blend your lead generation with a legitimate "backend" the ebook will tell you exactly how to do that. The strategies would work, it will depend on your thresholds.

Some of the adsense site revenue quoted in the book (like a few cents per day) make you wonder if it is worth doing for a few clicks here and there until the whole thing gets shut down….

Check it out for yourself -if you decide to buy it and have a read, just be very careful applying some parts of it.

Rating: - A great read for experienced and Intermediate Marketers even if just as an awareness resource. Alex and Chris have put together an interesting product. Not for newbies.

>> Project Black Mask

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