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7 Figure Launch Lessons…

I have been a curious observer of the Mike Filsaime 7 Figure Code launch so I will share my thoughts here….

7 Figure Code

     According to Mike Filsaime he was up for about two days until launch, and his server loaded the sales page as he was adjusting it. The page had "insert bullet here" on it. These massive launches always teach us lessons. Upon launch the server and ground to a halt and users experienced 15 minute delays for pages to load. I got bumped repeatedly and by the time I could get the page live, all the fast action bonuses were gone. Frustrating. This is from a guy who owns the payment processing company and wrote a book about hosting for internet marketers…

[edit] I am pleased to say Mike over delivered with the bonuses in the end and provided everything the first orders were promised [/edit]

Did I buy it?

   Yes - this is the type of program that you really need to get access to when you want to take your business from six figures to seven. Since I have solid off line business experience I stand to gain more from this course than some new to business marketers. I share a similar background to Mike in that I have run multi-million dollar turnover businesses. I understand the mechanics of business and I consider the investment in 7 Figure code as a training investment.

Much of this content is not taught in other places

    The presenters are divulging content that is relevant to my business and interests. This is something you should be assessing for yourself. Is  this information going to help you  move to where you want to be? I was considering the trip to New York earlier this year to attend, however, this will be a great way to make up for not attending.

Why I did not mail my list at first?

    Did you get bombarded by your favorite Guru promoting this product? Well I got about one hundred emails over the last few days about it. Unfortunately these product launches are profitable for the Big Guns. I do not like the canned pitches coming through, and the majority have not delivered any value to me over the the past, so I don't see why they feel they have earned the right to take my money.

This is what I don't like

    Some of the guys sending out emails have cut and paste the PRE-DONE cheese letters. Before the launch, emails such as this are pre-prepared and they say  this:



Look I don't want use any of high pressure tactics, but

things got a little *crazy* in the wee hours of the

morning and I want you to know about this whole 7-figure

thing before it TOTALLY disappears…

Here's the story:

Mike Filsaime and Tom Beal finally released their highly

anticipated 7-figure-code home study course, which

usually would be good news…

After all, Mike and Tom's 7-figure code event cost

$5000 to attend and was by all accounts UNDER

PRICED.  That's because the event was nuts.

Mike and Tom actually revealed in step-by-step,

case study format the way their whole 4 million

dollar PER YEAR business has exploded.  Then they

gathered advisers that they had paid hundreds of

thousands to also give advice:

Rich Schefren, Stephen Pierce, Brad Fallon, Ken

McArthur and the even the Rich Jerk's mad scientist,

Magic Ryan revealed key strategies…

It was awesome.

But Mike and Tom decided to sweeten the pot (maybe a

little TOO much—read on you'll find out why.)




They decided to pile on a bunch of unexpected but really

cool bonuses (like free mentoring anyone?) and then they

went totally bonkers and cut the price in HALF.

(Mike and Tom decided to create some kind of newbie

deal, but because of a glitch in the system, anyone can

get it.)

Now of course they realized that people would freak out

so they decided to hold their launch when hardly anyone's

awake—at Midnight!

(You know, to avoid all of this hypy launch stuff where

tens of thousands of people are fighting over just a few

copies of a course.)

But that's when things got a little "weird."




Here's what happened:

It turns out that a bunch of people all got the same idea to

stay up late and snatch up their copy of the course for half

price with all of these insane bonuses…

And now things are going totally crazy over there.

Plus, now it's not just Newbys that are snatching up

the last copies of this thing—everyone's losing their

marbles over this time crunch.




Hey Mike and Tom are good guys, and they tried to

think things though.  Heck, if you saw the deal that

they were giving you'd think these guys are nice too!

The problem comes in that the deal was a little too

nice, and now you're running out of time.

That's because the orders started fast and furious—and

then actually SPED UP this morning…




So here's the deal:

If you click on the link below and the sign doesn't say

SOLD OUT then the deal is on.


This report is actually pretty cool, so after you're done

securing your copy you'll probably want to go back and

read it thoroughly.

(In fact, I'd recommend you read it even if you don't

want to buy at all!)

Here's Mike's letter to you:


Talk Soon,

P.S. I didn't want to freak you out so I actually just

checked the link right before I sent this, and it's still


That means that if you go now the deal may still be on:



This email was written BEFORE the launch.

    Internet marketers have been using these tactics for years. This is right up there with the "This website willl be removed any minute" line from the famous "thank you" page tactics. People fall for it all day long, and this is how marketers build such big lists and turn over ten million dollars per year….

    So, I am not Guru bashing here, just pointing out to honest people how you need to take your internet marketing Guru emails with a grain of salt. I am in a position where I don't need to milk each client of mine for all they can give. I put clients FIRST.

If you do want to buy it::

7 Figure Code


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