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270% Price Increase Justified - Killer Value!

I was not shocked when I got an email today from the Rhodes Brothers regarding membership to their Cash Blog.

They are just about to add another two reports:

" Your Very First Sales Page…Simple, Fast and Easy!"

This report shows you the ins and outs of how they create a sales page, stepping through the process and talking about each part of the sales page:

  • the headline,
  • the bullets,
  • everything.

They sure do know how to get products to convert, so if you've ever wanted to create killer copy, you need to grab this.

Then there is .

*Extremely Simple System For Newbies: Part II

This is an extreme, "back to basics" report that  takes Part I (available in the Simple Cash Blog members area)  to a new level, teaching you new tools, tips and how to get a jump start on your internet marketing career.

These guys produce KILLER reports!

***READ THIS!!!***

The Rhodes Brothers are going to be raising the price to Simple Cash Blog to $27 per month for all new members.

So, what does this mean for you? If you took my strong recommendation and jumped on to this when it was only $10! per month, then you will be price protected for ever.

If you have not yet joined I urge you to get in NOW before the price is increased to the next price level. I still think $27 is too cheap for the value they provide each month. Every report they re;ease on the Warrior forum sells like hotcakes.

>> Grab the Cash Blog Membership NOW

Filed under Deals, News, Membership Sites, Affiliate by James Schramko

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