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Are You Making This Copywriting Mistake?

That was a bit of a curiosity headline wasn't it!

Well, I did that on purpose, let me explain..

After just reading a new copywriting ebook by Eric Louviere, I have reminded myself how important copywriting is. The mistake is NOT knowing about copywriting and keeping yourself updated with copywriting information.


A Vitally  Important Skill

Copywriting is often referred to as "salesmanship in print". If you are able to write compelling copy then you can literally write your way into success. Great copy can boost your conversion rates through the roof. If you have to master any skill in business make sure copywriting is right up there. I have a checklist of basic skills I need to master and they are:

  • Copywriting
  • Sales
  • SEO
  • PPC
  • Business System Management
  • Product Creation
  • List Marketing
  • Affiliate Marketing

Leverage Your Knowledge

Use your copywriting skills to write sales letters, blog posts, articles, forum posts, info products, tags, blog comments, subject lines, emails etc… This is one skill where you can learn once and apply multiple times. This is why I call it a leveraged skill.

Summary of what is covered in Erics book

(I literally stole this from the salespage, I mean who else can write it better than a pro copywriter?)

Emotions:   Discover all about emotions, hidden emotions, tapping into them and how to use them in your advertising, marketing and copywriting.

Examples: If you like examples, each section is illustrated in a very "clear" manner with examples to drive home the philosophies.  You'll love them.

Human Nature and Psychology: This is where you learn; why people do the things they do, why they do them, why they refrain from certain things, their desires and how you can use all this to transform your entire marketing operation from top to bottom.

Why people buy and why those who don't… don't: 
This is a classic section of the book that outlines deeply with great detail why some prospects buy and others refrain.  After you have gone through this section, you'll know how to force more people to buy!

About curiosity:  How to craft your salesletters to peak curiosity within your readers.  Us humans, are curious creatures walking this planet.

About opportunities, and why some cannot miss out on them:  One main reason people buy is because they cannot miss out on opportunities.  However, you have to know what you are doing, because this could backfire leaving you penniless.

Vanity: Vanity is a compelling drive within many people in certain markets, and your ability to tap into their desire for "vanity" is like an aphrodisiac to your prospects!

Big mistakes 97% of marketers make when crafting salesletters:  As I get projects on my desk to rewrite, these big mistakes present themselves almost every single time.  Avoid these big mistakes!

How marketing compares to the motion picture industry:
I admit it.  I'm guilty.  I love the film industry.  I study screenwriting, and one day don't be surprised to see one of my screenplays on the silver screen.  However, in studying this industry, there are many comparisons to writing copy, marketing, launching your products and forcing people to sit up and pay attention.  I reveal these insights in this book.

Power Marketing Formulas:  These formulas are just brilliant.  I mean, more than brilliant, they are ingenious!  Just one of these formulas can change everything for you.  In fact, this section alone is worth 10 times the price of this book alone!

About pain, fear, intimidation, manipulation, influence, persuasion and the comparisons between the dark side of influence, and the positive side: 
This section will take you into the depths of influence and persuasion.  You will come out the other side thankful, but cautious of your new found techniques.  An interesting section indeed.


8 Keys To A Persuasive Salesletter:  In this section I write in detail about each key, and how to apply each key to your own salesletters.  Again, this section is worth the price of admission alone too!

About positioning and framing or branding: This is an important section all marketers and copywriters must know.  It is a must.  Missing out on these insights are detrimental.  In fact, if you do not know what I mean by positioning, you need to stop everything you are doing right now, and read that section first!

And if you ever even thought about becoming a copywriter as a profession (and let's face it the rewards are worth it if you are any good at it) then you will absolutely love this section:

For Copywriters:  In this section I explain my methods for getting clients, working with them and earning income.  If you are a copywriter, you will love this section for boosting your business.

In fact, the last section could be applied to most online style business start-ups, I know I have used some of these techniques for my own start up.


As part of my ongoing education I enjoyed this ebook, and it is a great summary of the human emotions. If you want to sell more, then I recommend you grab your own copy of:



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