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Thanks John Reese….

I was really thrilled and impressed with John Reese for linking to my brand new site about XSitePro Templates with anchor text of my choice. John Reese did not have to do it, however he did it as a thank  you for some SEO comments I made on his blog located at

Knowing how John uses Google Alerts to keep tabs on his name, and also that his blog will now have a trackback, perhaps I can expect a drop in sometime? The least I can do is express my gratitude, because the link came at a nice time in the product launch and pushed it instantly into the four figure profit zone.

So thanks John Reese, and I look forward to a visit every once in a while. Blogging is truly the way to join networks…



Filed under Blogging, Gurus, Xsitepro, General, Seo by James Schramko

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