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Spy on PPC Campaigns with AdSpyPro

This Google "Spy Tool" has caused over 11,201 thread views so far on a popular internet forum….

Why so much buzz?

Well, this program lets you spy on Affiliate Pay Per Click Ad Campaigns for a specified timeframe and specific keywords, allowing you to see which ads are doing well. Next, you simply "learn" from the results and have more effective campaigns for yourself.

How does it work?

You install it on your server and then add your keywords of choice, the program will go and spy for you.

(If you already own it, or you managed to grab it before the price more than doubled, well done.)

If you don't already have it, I have some great news for you. I actually own resell rights for this product because when I first heard about it I knew it would make life easier for me, and so I figured it would also make life easier for you!

Just like me, you can use it to spy on affiliate ads and find the best ones to learn from. (You can also use it to identify profitable markets, products, affiliate programs, lead generation programs and more…..)

It pretty much does the same thing as the very expensive monthly fee programs, you know the ones I DIDN'T promote to you! And it does this for a once off fee instead. (There are some big name Guru's running for cover trying to make out like they need both tools or something, just to cover up for pushing the product so hard. Some are still promoting the expensive ones!).

My favorite investment is the one where you invest just once, never pay again, and have a multiple payoff.  This makes it a no-brainer.

How many hundreds do you need to invest ?

Actually, only $47, but don't let the cheap price put you off, this is powerful software.

My copy is installed and is up and running now, it works really well (otherwise I would not be recommending it to you).

If you'd like to know where the profitable keywords are, and where you should focus your marketing attention…..

Here is the best value PPC Spy Tool EXPOSED!

Filed under Tools, Lead gen, Affiliate, Ppc by James Schramko

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