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VideoSticky = The Next Evolution of Blogs and Video Communities

Having been involved in several startups and serving on the advisory boards of technology companies has kept me immersed in new media technologies, user generated content, blogs, podcasts, etc... For the past several years. This keeps me on the bleeding edge of trends.

So we have decided a few months ago to move forward with an idea that hit me about 7 months ago. There are several huge problem in the blogosphere and in video sharing sites such as youtube and google video. The first problem is data overload and the non ability to effectively and efficiently find and share videos. There are no true video communities. youtube is a distribution platform that has a swarm effect but no true community and way to connect with other like minded viewers.

The problem in the blogosphere is that there is a huge gap between the blogger (publisher) and the readers. Sure the readers can comment and that is great. But you are effectively publishing into a void and you don't know who is reading your blogs. You have a big gap in forming connections with your readers. If you are a blog reader you have no efficient way of finding other blog readers of the same blog and connecting with them.

Because there is a huge gap we have designed and are building (we have been in stealth development for a while) a solution that will connect the dots and fill the gaps for these 2 pain points.

The solution is simple, elegant, efficient, addictive and fun as heck. will launch in early 2007. We will allow people to create their own video channel by aggregating video from most major video sites such as youtube, myspace, google, yahoo, etc. Viewers of these videos can form organically and connect in really cool ways. Don't mistake this for a video sharing site... it is much much more than that.

The other thing we are doing at is letting bloggers see immediately who is reading their blog via a widget they put on their blog. blog readers can also see who else his reading the same blog. Users can then connect and form a community with like minded individuals. This is huge! Oh and there a ton of other cool things that you will be able to do such as make cool widgets for your blogs... but we need to keep that a secret until we launch.

So check out today and sign up for the beta invites.

Or you can read our

Blog at and let us know what you think. We would love to hear your comments, thoughts insights and suggestions.


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