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webdirections | september 26-29 2006 Β» Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith - Explaining Ajax

  • MP3 of presentation (to come)
  • Transcript (to come)
  • Presentation slides
  • Session description
  • LiveBlog post
  • About Jeremy Keith

Presentation slides

Session description

Apart from being the buzzword de jour, what is this Ajax stuff that everyone is talking about? Take a look at some implementations out there and start thinking about how Ajax can add value to your site.

About Jeremy Keith

Jeremy Keith is a web developer with the web consultancy firm Clearleft in Brighton, England where he enjoys building accessible, elegant websites using the troika of web standards: XHTML, CSS and the DOM. His online home is

Jeremy is a member of the Web Standards Project where he serves as joint leader of the DOM Scripting Task Force. He wrote the book DOM Scripting: Web Design with JavaScript and the Document Object Model.

When he’s not building websites, Jeremy plays bouzouki in the band Salter Cane. He is also the creator and curator of one of the Web’s largest online communities dedicated to Irish traditional music, The Session.


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