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Business Marketing Professionals Need To Wake Up!

We have been podcasting since the summer of 2004. That's way way early from an online marketing perspective. We actually developed the very first web based podcasting solution for business in the the 4th quarter of 2004. That site is very successful, but what became clear to us was that podcasting was going to take off in a big way. We were right!

So immediately after we launched that first web based service we started development on a web based podcasting solution that was only focused on business podcasting. We looked at all the tools that a business marketing professional would need for podcasting and built a professional podcasting website for businesses.

We were amazed by the number of clients that immediately started using the service, we listened to users feedback and continually enhanced the solution (we are always improving the service). When we designed this solution, I kept telling my team that we needed this to be so easy to use that a novice with no technology experience could create, publish and promote a podcast in under 5 minutes. Mission accomplished!

The really interesting thing about podcasting is that it has exploded since the beginning of 2005. We were actually featured in an article by the Associated Press and showed up in Yahoo finance,Google news, Forbes, Wired, etc. We got a lot of press attention and continued to grow. In fact our growth and visibility in the business podcasting world has allowed us to grow and set up a seperate podcast consulting practice for business clients.

We handle complete outsourcing of podcasting: Everything from strategy, planning, execution, best practices, marketing and all supporting technology. We have a number of high profile podcast clients such as book publishing giant Simon & Schuster (owned by Viacom).

The REALLY BIG News: Yahoo and Google recently embraced podcasting in a major way. If your business does not have a podcast you will be left behind. Google recenly launched Blog Search (which actually finds podcasts). And just 5 days ago Yahoo launched a new podcast search engine. This is getting serious and businesses have an opportunity to extend their brand and leverage podcasting technology to gain more online visibility, leads and clients through this marketing medium. No podcasts? I guess your target market will not find you. Not good.

Check out our complete business podcasting solution at

You can also learn about our podcast consulting practice at

Best wishes,

Rodney Rumford

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