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SEM, SEO, RSS, Web Marketing, Google Adwords, Overture, PPC, Website Traffic Tips : Adwords Conversion Tracking

Adwords Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is critical if you want to be financially successfully with adwords. Many people never set up conversion tracking on their campaigns. This is a huge mistake. It's like driving with blinders on. You could crash and burn if you cant see where you are making/losing money with your adwords or overture campaigns quickly.

Google has a simple conversion tool that only requires that you cut and past a simple piece of html code on your "Thank You" or Sales Complete" page. Google will then give you simple metrics to measure conversions. At the minimum you should always do this.

I will write more about this topic as time allows. I have also written a 40 page in depth special report called "Eye on the Gold" which fully discusses how to maximize your Return On Investment (ROI) of your adwords campaigns. You can get a free copy of this PDF Report by clicking on the link above. I have been selling this special report for 30 bucks but just decided as I was writing in my blog to set up a page and give it away to my blog readers. Enjoy!


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