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You can't use the word tips in your ad copy!?

I have recently come across interesting changes in the automated editorial rules/ guidelines that Google uses for adwords. It is interesting to note that the word "tips" is considered a gambling type of word by their software when really this term can be used for a thousand other things: cleaning tips, running tips, racing tips, marketing tips, health tips, weight loss tips, cooking tips, relationship tips, etc...

The list could go on forever.

You can request an exception but this normally takes 2 days. My advice is to use another word. This can be a challenge since they give you such limited space, and tips is a great ad copy word that drive people to action. I have seen this flagging on several other words in ads, but it is really a sign of how google is trying their best to apply some level of checking of ads thru software automation. This might help to catch a gambling site that they don't want to advertise on adwords. But my question is this: Why punish the rest of us that are not even remotely connected to this sphere?

They should be able to find the content of the site and monitor that way since they index web landing pages. This is just a loose marble of a thought that I have had rolling around in my head for a few weeks. Enjoy

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