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SEM, SEO, RSS, Web Marketing, Google Adwords, Overture, PPC, Website Traffic Tips : Ads by Gooooooooogle: Adsense = Nonsense

Ads by Gooooooooogle: Adsense = Nonsense

You may have noticed that Google AdSense ads now say "Ads by Gooooooooooooogle". 12 o's what the heck is going on? When I saw this I thought, this is nuts. Why would google do something so stupid and potentially dilute the value of their brand.

This is nonsense and everyAdsense participant & adwords advertiser should tell them so! If you are advertising with adwords and are using contextual advertising you should not be happy with this change either.

I received an email from Google asking what I thought about this. So I told them this is lunacy, people will not trust the ads, it dilutes the power of the google brand, it is eye-catching but confusing to web users. It could adversely effect click thru rates and as an adsense publisher & adwords advertiser, I don't want to be their guinea pig.

It is just that little nuances like this can negatively impact click thru rates. I test and measure everything and since the started this nonsense I have seen the click thru rate decrease by 18% .

If you are obsessive about these things,(and I am) you will also notice that they are not doing this to ALL adsense participants. You can still see some ads that have the old reliable "ads by Google" ad header. I guess google is doing some split testing like I do with all my ads. I can't fault them for that, but I sure hate being part of their experiment unwillingly. It is not what I signed up for when I agreed to run their ads. I have many options for ways to monetize site visitors with different forms of advertising and when they change the rules and it negatively impacts my business I am not happy.

Additionally, since myself and many of my clients use contextual (content) advertising as an advertiser with google adwords; this effects that side of the business as well. Adwords Contextual advertising has almost always been a low value ROI proposition. Now they are making it even worse.

As a paying advertiser on Adwords I agreed to have my ads shown by Google, not Gooooooooooooogle. !

I just wanted to get this out there and make everyone aware of this! So what do you think?

Rodney Rumford


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