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Google Adwords Report Center- Improved(slightly)

Ok so google is making it a littler easier to create and manage reports. Even though the reports are severly lacking many areas, it is step in the right direction.

Supposedly you reports are nicer and generated more quickly. All I know is when I was creating reports today, I was turning grey running a very very basic report. 34 minutes and still waiting....zzzzzzz give me a break. Either it is improved or it is not. (the page said it would be done in 1-5 minutes) I may have to give them a break and try again in a few days and see if they get the server load figured out. But when I want a report I want it NOW....not in 47 (still waiting) minutes. Life is too short man.

On the positive side they have done some nice are the Basics & Highlights...

The Improved AdWords Reports Center lets you create and manage reports with more flexibility. You can save report templates, store up to 5 recently created reports, and enjoy easier graphing and more file formats. (You can now use XML which is cool)

SCHEDULED AND ON-DEMAND REPORT TEMPLATES: Save any report as a template by selecting "I want to run this report in the future' when creating the report. Then save it to run on demand, or schedule it to run automatically on a regular basis. The report and its parameters will be saved in your Download Center. This is nice since once you get your reports to be configured how you want they are saved as a template.

STORED REPORTS: The new Recently Created Reports area lets you download and view your 5 latest reports. Older reports are automatically deleted as new ones arrive. (This is very inadequate in my opinion, I run 50 reports a day so this is worthless to me)Google has a gazillion servers... please let me; the paying customer store at least 100-200 reports. Heck, Google gives tons of storage to gmail users for free, why not the people that are making them rich? (us advertisers) (this is for the google people that read this Blog)

MORE FILE FORMATS: View your report online in HTML, or download reports in multiple formats, including XML, CSV and TSV. Finally XML!! Now all they need to do is send it to me on my own private Feed. :)

ENHANCED GRAPHS: Viewing and downloading graphs is easier than ever. And our new 'Printer-friendly graphs' page gives you all graph views in one page for easy printing. HMMMMM... I am not all that impressed. But again; a step in the right direction.

One nice thing that they did that I really like is that the reports can be scheduled and emailed to multiple addresses which is great. I can just let the reports roll directly to multiple contacts & clients. Nice.

If there are any improvements you would like to see, post them here and I will get them to Google. Sorry this was a bit long, I will ad more in the future about this new area.

Rodney Rumford

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