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SEM, SEO, RSS, Web Marketing, Google Adwords, Overture, PPC, Website Traffic Tips : Google Offical Response: Ads By Goooooooogle

OK. So I told google what myself on some of the blog posters and email respondents thought about this ad by Gooooooooooooogle nonsense. I gave them an earfull and hopefully they heard from lots of other advertisers....."more relevant"??? How about if people actually thought the ads were by Google and not some unknown company....boy these guys need a lesson in Branding 101.

Here is the response I got.......

Hello Rodney,

Unfortunately, at this time, we do not have a estimate as to how long we are going to test the new ad format. However, we sincerely appreciate the time you have taken to offer us this feedback and have passed this on to our engineers.

Additionally, please note that per the AdWords Terms and Conditions,AdWords policies, which includes the physical presentation of Google Ads, may change at any time. Be assured that these changes are intended to make Google advertising as relevant and useful as possible to both users and advertisers, and we will certainly consider your feedback. Please feel free to reply to this email if you have additional questions or concerns.



The Google Team

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