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Google Book & Software Contest

Hi Everyone,

OK, so I said I would give away 2 packages of Ad Word ProfitSoft(our Software) and the Google Adwords Success kit ebook in our contest. I wanted to know what your most pressing issues/questions were regarding RSS(& Blogs) and How you could profit and make money with this. But, I had way too many questions to only pick 2, so I picked 3 Winners!

First, I want to personally thank every participant in this contest. I read every single email, and there were a ton(200+). The questions & submissions were amazing! Good questions, thought provoking questions, money making questions, technology questions, basic questions,....I am amazed by my readers loyalty, inquisitiveness and level of intelligence.

RSS & Blogs are truly the next field where the smart marketers will make substantial income. This virtually untapped field is going to be swarmed by people trying to make money with thier websites in the next 18-24 months. If you understand ("Get") RSS and Blogs and thier online marketing potential, you will leave most online martketing people in the dust. It would be like knowing what Google was all about 4 years ago....

Sorry for the rambling message... it is 3AM and I really want to get the Winners Posted Here.

The winners are:

Jacques Venter

Rick Stooker

Jennie Pipkin

Again, my sincerest thanks to all participants.

Rodney Rumford

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